How to join the arrangement
Information on how to join the complaints settlement arrangement, affiliation costs, and fees for using the Norwegian Financial Services Complaints Board (FinKN)
FinKN's main task is to resolve disputes between financial institutions and their customers, as well as between debt collection agencies and debtors. As an independent body, we aim to ensure that each case is resolved correctly. FinKN does not have authority to give rulings that bind the parties, and our decisions are only advisory.
All proceedings in FinKN are in written form. This entails that our decisions are solely based on the documents presented in each case. Our assessments are not limited to the arguments brought by the parties, which means that we can consider other grounds for our decisions than those argued by the parties themselves.
FinKN was established through an agreement between the Consumer Council of Norway (Forbrukerrådet), Finance Norway (Finans Norge), the Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry (Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon), the Association of Norwegian Finance Houses (Finansieringsselskapenes Forening), the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association (Verdipapirfondenes Forening) and the Enterprise Federation of Norway (Virke). FinKN is to act freely and independent of special interests, and fulfill the functions outlined in the Insurance Contracts Act § 20-1, the Financial Contracts Act § 4 and the Debt Collection Act § 22.
Who can join the complaints settlement arrangement?
FinKN primarily handles complaints against members of Finance Norway, the Association of Norwegian Finance Houses, the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association and the Enterprise Federation of Norway.
According to FinKN's statutes, financial institutions that are not members of these organizations can join the arrangement by paying the fees stipulated by the board.
Finacial institutions affiliated with Finance Norway directly or through membership in the Norwegian Savings Banks Association (Sparebankforeningen) are automatically affiliated with FinKN. This also applies to members of the Association of Norwegian Finance Houses and the Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association. The automatic affiliation only applies for financial institutions that conduct business which may lead to complaints that can be reviewed by FinKN.
Financial institutions that are not members of these organizations, but that provide services in one of the areas that fall within the scope of FinKN, can apply for direct affiliation for handling of complaints against the institution. FinKN's board determines the terms and conditions for affiliation. This also applies if it is determined by law or regulation that other institutions are to be affiliated.
Institutions that are affiliated with FinKN in accordance with the paragraphs above, have a right and duty to allow FinKN to handle complaints received.
The affiliation that follows from the second paragraph can be terminated by an institution by written notice. Such notice must be given at least six months in advance.
The affiliation expires on the first December 31st.
Furthermore, FinKNs working language is Norwegian, with the consequence that our letters/evaluations are written in Norwegian.
Online registration form
In order to register a financial institution as a member, we require some information. Please use the online registration form.